Melissa Leo keeps shining in “The Sea Is All I know”


Melissa Leo in "The Sea Is All I Know"
Melissa Leo in "The Sea Is All I Know"

“The Sea Is All I know” (short film, written and directed by Jordan Bayne)

Academy Award winner Melissa Leo (“The Fighter,” “Mildred Pierce”) and Peter Gerety (“Brothers and Sisters,” “Blue Bloods”) play an estranged couple who reunite, and put their differences aside in order to be there by their terminally ill daughter (played by Kelly Hutchinson) and to honor her last wish. But to stay strong and accept the inevitable, the couple questions everything from love, life, and the blind hope they seemed to have placed into God, the imaginary entity that has failed them during this dark hour.

Writer-director Jordan Bayne, who is an actor herself (and it shows), confidentially sticks to the most important assets for this touching, very human story: her actors, their talent, and more specifically, their emotional range. In the process, the filmmaker helps create a breathing room that is the result of her faith in her incredible cast. Her choice of shots (close ups, bright exteriors) and the seemingly calm musical score compliment the brewing trouble her characters find themselves in. 

Bayne frames beautiful pictures juxtaposing this heartbreaking story. It seems like her actors have gone without make up (or minimal), making a bold statement that serves the story so perfectly.

The Sea is powerful, haunting, and memorable. It is beautifully human, and a rare gem because of it, and it will stay with you long after the film ends.  See the film trailer HERE.

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