Making Adjustments to their lives: Matt Damon and Emily Blunt

What if you were in control of your destiny, or could at least get a hint about your future so you could manipulate it into a different outcome?

The Adjustment Bureau - movie poster (Universal)

Matt Damon and Emilly Blunt star in “The Adjustment Bureau”, a thriller directed by George Nolfi (writer, of Ocean’s Twelve, co-writer of The Bourne Ultimatum).

Matt Damon and Emily Blunt in a scene from "The Adjustment Bureau"

Rising among the ranks and on his way to winning a seat in the U.S. Senate, young politician David Norris (Damon) meets a gorgeous ballerina Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt) – a woman who quickly captures his heart. But just as Norris falling for this exciting, dream woman, mysterious men come out of every corner to stop the romance from going further.

Through these incidents, David learns he is up against unrecognized, new forces of the agents of Fate – the men of The Adjustment Bureau

To change this pre-set destiny, the young senator must either let her go of her lover or and accept what has been planned for him by these men, or defy it all and fight for their love and do everything he can for them to be together.

The Adjustment Bureau opens on March 4, 2011

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