
Too Good To Eat: Life-Size Stormtrooper Cake

Life size Stormtrooper cake feeds 600 sci-fi fans - photo: Splash
Life size Stormtrooper cake feeds 600 sci-fi fans - photo: Splash

Feast on this: a 300 Lbs. life-size Stormtrooper cake. The 6′ 4″ galactic gateau, created by the Boston-based Amanda Oakleaf Cakes took two weeks to complete and arrived at the Arisia science fiction and fantasy convention.

Stormtrooper cake feeds 600 sci-fi fans - photo: Splash
Stormtrooper cake feeds 600 sci-fi fans - photo: Splash

It fed more than 600 hungry sci-fi fanatics. Baking couple Amanda and Tiler Oakleaf used 208 eggs, 140lb of sugar and 55 lbs of marshmallows. The body was made from layers of sponge covered with icing, supported by an iron frame and the legs were made of Rice Krispies. 

Amanda Oakleaf went into this sweet business with her husband Tyler Oakleaf in 2008, operating out of their bedroom apartment. Now, they’ve expanded, with a storefront in Winthrop, MA (outside Boston) employing 10 cake makers who put their time and talent into such amazing creations. Please, help yourself to a slice Obi-Wan.

Official ARISIA site:

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